Microsoft sine norske datasentre: Azure og nettverk (3/6)

Microsoft åpner to norske datasentre

Marius Sandbu fra EVRY oppsummerer alt du trenger å vite om Microsoft sine nye datasentre i Norge. (Del 3 av 6)

Skrevet av Marius Sandbu, Principal Tech Lead for Cloud i EVRY

Right now, both Stavanger and Oslo will be providing Edge Capabilities for network traffic. This means that if you use a service like Front-door or Azure WVAN, your traffic will hit the closest Edge datacenter (, but it should be noted that these datacenters do not provide edge Capabilities (Front-door) for Office 365 yet. This means that Office 365 will go through the network edges and then to Office 365 ( 

A scenario might be if you have offices worldwide and want to integrate these together, without the use of MPLS but using regular Internet and Azure Virtual WAN. This allows the use of offices to leverage Azure's core network to transfer data between the different offices. 

Virtual WAN diagram


You can read more about Azure Virtual WAN here,, but in essence, this allows you to bind multiple locations worldwide but leverage the Azure networking backplane to have communication accross their dedicated links instead.

If you want to integrate your existing datacenter to Azure using a private connection such as ExpressRoute, Green Mountain is now one of the partners for ExpressRoute to the Norwegian datacenters: DigiPlex also has a similar partnership when it comes to ExpressRoute to Azure. 

If you need to integrate the Norwegian datacenter with existing reagions that you might have already created, you can leverage Azure Global VNET Peering:

Another option is to leverage regular Azure P2S VPN for client-based access to the virtual netwrk there (which now supports Azure AD-baded authentication):


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Les del 2 (Tjenestene og monitorering) her
Les del 4 her (Azure, GDPR og SLR-er) her
Les del 5 (Flytting av data) her
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Marius Sandbu er Principal Tech Lead for Cloud i EVRY. Han har tidligere jobbet i Commaxx, som teknisk ansvarlig for Microsoft. Marius har forfattet flere bøker og er en ettertraktet speaker på en rekke leverandører.

Marius driver en egen blogg, og skriver ukentlige innlegg med tema teknologi og cloud. Vi har vært så heldige å få dele noen av innleggene hans, så i fremtiden vil det komme en rekke tekniske artikler fra Marius i nyhetsarkivet vårt.