Microsoft sine norske datasentre: Flytting av data (5/6)

Microsoft åpner to norske datasentre

Marius Sandbu fra EVRY oppsummerer alt du trenger å vite om Microsoft sine nye datasentre i Norge. (Del 5 av 6)

Skrevet av Marius Sandbu, Principal Tech Lead for Cloud i EVRY

If you, as a customer, have already established workloads in Azure; can we easily migrate services from one region to another? This is possible but not something that Microsoft will do for you. In that case, you would need to reestablish or migrate services to the Norwegian region. 

For virtual infrastructure, you can use ASR (Azure Site Recovery) to do replication ( For other PaaS services, there are limited options when it comes to migration, so you would need to do restablishment of the services and use a data migration service such as Data Factory or AzCopy to copy the data across. 

Also, if you are moving workloads out of your own datacenter to Azure, remember that it is only on supported workloads, which you can see here:

Not all services that you have on-prem can run optimal in the cloud. Services requiring hypervisor integration, psysical devices, secific layer 2 networks (GARP/RARP/VRPP) are not available in Azure. 

Shared responsibility - Remember your role
Remember that when you start using Public Cloud services as Microsoft Azure and are migrating out of your own datacenter, you still need to understand what is your responsibility and what is Microsoft's responsibility. 

For virtual machines, the responsibility of backup, maintenance and such, is still your. The same goes for Security capabilities; you need to design on firewall usage, virtual appliances or cloud native services and such. Data backup is not something that Microsoft is responsible for - this is something you as a customer need to ensure is in place by using your own backup tooling or built-in services like Azure Backup



Les del 1 (Bakgrunn) her
Les del 2 (Tjenestene og monitorering) her
Les del 3 (Azure og nettverk) her
Les del 4 her (Azure, GDPR og SLR-er) her
Les del 6 (Azure - kostnader, arkitektur og design) her
Les hele det originale innlegget på Marius sin blogg her


Marius Sandbu er Principal Tech Lead for Cloud i EVRY. Han har tidligere jobbet i Commaxx, som teknisk ansvarlig for Microsoft. Marius har forfattet flere bøker og er en ettertraktet speaker på en rekke leverandører.

Marius driver en egen blogg, og skriver ukentlige innlegg med tema teknologi og cloud. Vi har vært så heldige å få dele noen av innleggene hans, så i fremtiden vil det komme en rekke tekniske artikler fra Marius i nyhetsarkivet vårt.