Microsoft sine norske datasentre: Tjenestene og monitorering (2/6)

Microsoft åpner to norske datasentre

Marius Sandbu fra EVRY oppsummerer alt du trenger å vite om Microsoft sine nye datasentre i Norge. (Del 2 av 6)

Skrevet av Marius Sandbu, Principal Tech Lead for Cloud i EVRY

Unlike the other regions worldwide, which have been up and running many years already, the Norwegian datacenters will be smaller in scale and will therefore not have all services available at launch, but will most likely be a rolled-out approach where more and more services will be added. You can view the service availability of the different regions here:

There are some services that are marked as Global. These services are therefore not directly located within Norwsy (such as Azure Active Directory). Also, if your business already has established an Office 365 or Azure AD tenant, this placement of data has already been set (Identity data is stored by Azure AD in a geographical location based on the address provided by your organization when subscribing for a Microsoft Online service, such as Office 365 and Azure: You can also view other individual solutions and locations here:

It is also important to understand that the Norwegian datacenters will be operated differently unlike the other regions, such as Western Europe and Northern Europe. One aspect is that the Norwegian datacenters are a lot smaller and does not have the same scale. Therefore, Microsoft will be introducing a set of base capabilities/services, which you can see here:,norway-west&products=all

Secondly, the Western Norway region does not have any plans to support App Services or other PaaS services by looking at the service availability ( though it is most likely going to be a DR site, meaning it can not be used for active workloads but only to support GRS-based workloads. Also, by looking at the services, you can see that they support compute and storage options (and also data box) intended to DR and Storage Migration and network edges supports. Services being deployed to Eastern Norway will also be limited in terms of how much resources you can deploy directly. 

Microsoft wants to have a bit more control using Soft Launch, which means that you will need to define a support ticket to expand the amount of vCores and such. This can be done by going into the subscription -> Use and Quota and setting up a request to increase the ratio.

Service Monitoring
When you get up and running in Microsoft Azure and depending on the services you establish, you also need to monitor the service. I'm not going into detail on that, but the biggest thing you should monitor is the underlying platform itself when it comes to planned and unplanned downtime. This is something that can be monitored using Azure Service Health (, where you can get notified about download or service issues on the regions.

You can also view the status of services and availability here:


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Les del 3 (Azure og nettverk) her
Les del 4 her (Azure, GDPR og SLR-er) her
Les del 5 (Flytting av data) her
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Marius Sandbu er Principal Tech Lead for Cloud i EVRY. Han har tidligere jobbet i Commaxx, som teknisk ansvarlig for Microsoft. Marius har forfattet flere bøker og er en ettertraktet speaker på en rekke leverandører.

Marius driver en egen blogg, og skriver ukentlige innlegg med tema teknologi og cloud. Vi har vært så heldige å få dele noen av innleggene hans, så i fremtiden vil det komme en rekke tekniske artikler fra Marius i nyhetsarkivet vårt.